
Frequently Asked Questions

I can't log in!

Please create an order first. You will get your account information sent to your Cyber-Mail automatically. We will then keep you informed about new products and special offers. Ashet Technologies™ remains the right to terminate the account without further notice.

I experience retrodisphoria when using computers by other companies.

Retrodisphoria is a common side effect of using Ashet Technologies™ products. Please consider consulting the internet archive for help or install an emulator.

The shop crashes all the time!

Yes, this is intentional. This website is part of an art project, and not the web presence of a a real company. There is no shop.

Why are you making these products?

Just for Fun. No, Really.

Why do some words show a "hand" cursor?

Congratulations! You found an easter egg! Just click it, and see where the path leads you.



Ashet Technologies
Attn: Customer Information
Yasuhito Plaza 1
Neo Tokyo 〒 125-0062



+49 (0) 800-9377546